Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Cheer Up Tuesday

After the worst skate ever today, I think I need cheering up myself. A combination of I was already exhausted and it was really busy on the ice meant I wasted an hour-and-a-half basically skating around in circles waiting for space to practice things. Hate that! BUT, can't complain too much - because a) it's my own fault for letting myself be affected by other people, and b) had a really good practice yesterday. You can't have it all!

Anyway - here it is, today's little bit to make you smile (I hope). Some are a little bit cringey, but it's worth it for the very last one which, for some reason, made me almost cry with laughter the first time I saw it. Enjoy!


  1. These are great, Lindsey! Funny enough, I usually have a hard (and super embarrassing fall) right before a test or competition. I fall on "silly" things like mohawks or even gliding on two feet!

  2. I think sometimes the hardest falls happen when you were literally just standing there. Have you ever done that - stopped to have a gossip, and for no apparent reason pretty much just wobbled and sat down? I know some pretty great skaters who that happens to. I think it's because you get too comfortable and forget you're on ice!! :-)
