Monday, October 20, 2014

It's all in the name: no excuses

I'm very aware that I haven't posted for quite a while. This is mainly due to life getting in the way - between work, freelance work, family stuff, friend stuff and, of course, skating, there isn't a lot of time left over for posting.

However, I read a really interesting article on another blog today that I wanted to share with

This blogger, a former show skater, I believe, writes about making sacrifices in order to become the best skater you can possibly be. Her post is based around the belief that "Most people who don’t want to sacrifice will find excuses. The people willing to make sacrifices will find solutions." I think that's probably true.

The original post is really about young skaters, children, trying to make it professionally or through the competitive ranks, but I would say it applies to some extent to adult skaters as well. Ok, we don't NEED to make sacrifices for skating since we're never going to the Olympics, but if we have a desire to be the best we can be in the sport we love and stay fit and healthy, sometimes we are in positions where we have to choose between a night out or skating practice. I know which I'd rather do (most of the time!).

What are your thoughts?

You can read the full post here: School + Skating = Sacrifice


  1. My thoughts are, it's not a sacrifice if you want to do it. Knowing what you want and feeling empowered to go after it--- feeling that what you want is important enough to do-- is a true gift.

    1. Absolutely, Mary, you're right. I suppose the sacrifice is having some people think you're a bit odd for choosing to skate over other things, haha!
